Amerk’s Night

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  1. Review game schedule and provide first three choices of dates and whether we want to sing the National Anthem.
  2. Contact principal and chorus teacher with the schedule so they can select dates.
  3. Once they get their date choices to you then contact Amerks coordinator with said choices.
  4. Communicate date via email to PTA President.
  5. Provide the School Secretary with a Planning Event Form to reserve the cafeteria and to get the event added to School/District Calendars.
  6. Create a Save the Date flyer e-newsletter. 
    • Email to:



  1. Request set up of website for ticket sales.
    • ALL tickets must be pre-purchased through a single purchase by the PTA committee chair.



  1. It is recommended that all ticket sales be run through MemberHub, and no longer use cash/check payment options.
  2. Sort orders by grade/teacher, and make note of special seating requests
    • Assign seats (this is the tedious part)
    • Prepare envelope labels (include “Amerks Tickets”, student name, grade, teacher, & ticket quantity).
  1. Stuff envelopes & rubber band bundles by teacher.
  2. Deliver to school office for distribution.



  • Once all orders are completed, work with PTA Treasurer to provide a check for total payment to Amerks.   Please be sure to submit a “Request for Funds” form.  All forms can be found on the PTA website, or requested from the PTA President and/or Treasurer. 



  • Committee should arrive early to greet families, ensure that choral students find their meeting place, and take some pre-game photos.